What we know about the measurement:

Monacor Sound-4BT is an active bookshelves that cost around 310 USD for a pair.

  • Quality of the measurement data is low.
  • Origin of the data is Misc.
  • Format of the data is a set of 36 horizontal and 36 vertical measurements .
  • Link to original Review: asr review. .
  • Vendor specifications:
    • Sensitivity 85 dB
    • Size
      • Width 140mm
      • Height 215mm
      • Depth 170mm
    • Weight 2.6kg
Monacor Sound-4BT
AutomaticEQ (IIR)
Set preamp gain to: -4.9dB.
Type Freq Q Gain
PK 44.0 2.9 3.0
PK 62.0 0.3 2.98
PK 139.0 0.7 -4.73
PK 310.0 1.48 -1.44
PK 666.0 2.3 1.99
PK 5347.0 1.22 -3.67
PK 10341.0 0.75 -2.97

These EQ optimise the Harman score and is a good start for far field listening like in your living room.

Monacor Sound-4BT filters_auto_eq


Monacor Sound-4BT filters_eq_full

Target v.s. EQ
