What we know about the measurement:
Aalto Speakers Aalto 1 EVO is an active bookshelves that cost around 1000 USD for a pair.
- Quality of the measurement data is low.
- Origin of the data is Aalto Speakers.
- Format of the data is a set of 36 horizontal and 36 vertical measurements .
- -3dB (resp. -6db) point v.s. reference is at 53.4Hz (resp. 50.4Hz).
- Reference level is normalised to 0.1dB computed over the frequency range [300.0Hz, 5000.0Hz].
- Frequency deviation is 1.5dB over the same frequency range.
- Directivity
- Horizontal directivity is (-40.0°, 40.0°) between 1kHz and 10kHz. Angle computed for +/-6dB.
- Vertical directivity is (-20.0°, 40.0°) between 1kHz and 10kHz. Angle computed for +/-6dB.
- Tonality (Preference) Score
- Tonality (Preference) Score is 6.06
and would be 8.39 with a
perfect subwoofer.
- Details: NBD: ON 0.281, LW 0.243, SP 0.259, PIR 0.223; SM: SP0.952, PIR0.898; LFQ 0.306, LFX 50Hz
- Tonality (Preference) Score is 6.32
with an EQ and would be 8.52 with a
perfect subwoofer and the same EQ.
- Details: NBD: ON 0.252, LW 0.217, SP 0.267, PIR 0.224; SM: SP0.953, PIR0.921; LFQ 0.247, LFX 46Hz
- Tonality (Preference) Score is 6.06
and would be 8.39 with a
perfect subwoofer.
- Link to original Review: vendor review. .
Vendor specifications:
- Sensitivity 81.5 dB
- Impedance 3.3 Ohm
- Size
- Width 132mm
- Height 242mm
- Depth 208 mm)
- Weight 2.4 kg